Hey folks!! (
At first: Sorry I haven't written anything for the last time! I was on a
North Island Tour for 2 weeks during the holidays - it was amazing! Seriously, I advise that to everyone who stays or plans to go to New Zealand.
For those who have no idea what it is: There are organisations offering 8 - 11 days tours to the South or North Island of the country. You go there with a group of about 30-50 other international students and travel around to see different places, staying in hostels at night.
During the day you do maaaany many activities together which are a lot of fun and you get to know the group muh better!
Anyway, I want to show you some of our pictures now!! (
Arriving at the airport in New Zealand's capital -
Wellington - passengers immediatly feel that they're in the country of the 'Hobbit'!