Montag, 31. Dezember 2012

Golden State California (: - Part 2

... and here we go again, starting with Part 2! (;

Here you can see our German Room at Sequoia High School:

One day, our German group got a little tour around the school campus. It is big and soo beautiful, there are a lot of trees and even squirrels!

On two days of the second week we had some excursions in the afternoon. The first time we visited    AT&T Park - the huge baseball stadium of San Francisco. It was amazing!

Aren't they cute?
outside :)

On the second trip, we went to Stanford University! Very impressive - such a huuuuge campus, seems almost like a town! The students have their own restaurants like Starbucks and Jamba Juice, their own 'parc' and houses where they live and cook in.
With all the plants and the sunny weather, the campus looks even more beautiful! The main colour of Stanford is red, that's why you can find some statues and stuff in red.

On Friday night, after I tried out crosscountry with Zoe - a sport which is hard, but really funny - ,Sequoia High School had a football game! It is great to see how many people visit the match and how every detail is organized! They've got cheerleaders, little booth where they sell school t-shirts and hoodies and everything else you can imagine at a 'real football game'. There was a fantastic atmosphere, everyone was chanting and clapping hands. You could even get painted in your face in purple, the colour of Sequoia.

we love puuurple  :D

the cheerleaders!

during the match

The next day, Saturday was already our last "full" day in California! So we just spend it based on the motto: Making the best out of it and enjoying every second!
1st place: Golden Gate Bridge!
Zoe and I had a plan to fulfill, a special, extraordinary plan which would express our lifelong friendship :D
We both were the first ones putting our so-called "friendshipheartlock" on the bridge! 
Our idea has its origin in Germany: When Zoe stayed there, she saw it for the first time - the little locks on the bridges in maaany different colours, for example at the bridge in Frankfurt and Köln (you can see this in my report "Berlin & Potsdam; Lorette & me"). She was so fascinated by this cute idea that we decided to create our own luck with our names and the date we met written on it and to put it on the Golden Gate Bridge. And on this morning, the time had come to accomplish our plan! :))

So we drove to the bridge with Zoe's mom...

... were already so excited!...

... hold the lock in our hands for the last time...

... and finally fixed it on Golden Gate:
oh yeah, we were so proud :D

After this event, we went on to our final beach party at Santa Cruz were we met all the others! We had great weather and so great chances to go swimming!!!

Everyone of us also made his own pumpkin because it was Halloween soon (: This was a lot of fun cause for most of us it was the first time that they worked with pumpkins on their own, for me too:

As you can see, we stayed at the beach till the sun went down and we had a miraculous sunset! I'll keep that picture in my head forever: the ocean, the rose-orange sky, the lighthouse on the horizon, our feet in the sand... this feeling was indescribable, perfect!

Last pictures together :)

Memories that will last a lifetime! ♥
To all our American students, the hostfamilies and friends: we'll never forget you and your welcoming, friendly attitude and everything we've done together!
Big ♥ to you!


PS.: For the Germans who read my blog: We've also got a school website where we posted some daily reports of our trip.
So if you'd like to have a look:

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